March 31, 2024

Modular Construction: Five Steps to Help Control Your Costs

A groundworks contractor can have a huge impact on the efficiency of a modular construction project. A well-planned groundworks solution can not only help to save significant time but also costs.​ Key to achieving this is more effective partnership working and a better understanding of what information is needed and by when. So, if you’re planning a modular build, here’s our guide to working more effectively with your groundworks contractor
March 24, 2024

Modular Construction: Top Tips to Reduce Onsite Risks

The speed and ease of modular construction are two of its major benefits, but both could be impacted by poor or unsuitable ground conditions. Declan Armour explains the risks and offers advice on how to ensure an efficient and robust modular project.
March 17, 2024

Facilities Managers: A Guide to Stress Free Maintenance

Essential maintenance can present numerous challenges, especially for facilities managers responsible for large estates or complex industrial facilities. Whether you need to repair or replace external features or make a larger investment in building improvements, there are many considerations that could affect your project’s costs, timescales and overall success.
Facilities Managers: A Guide to Stress Free Maintenance
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